Over the last several months, I had every intention of coming to this place and opening myself onto a screen for anyone to see. That, however, is not what happened, as I am sure you can see if you take the time to look at the date of my last post. Shame on me.
Loss of job, difficult weeks of not knowing how life's needs would be met and general fatigue have caused upheaval.
Dealing with major life changes always causes us to readjust our hearts. Change is hard....whether good or bad....sometimes it just hurts. Along with that is the difficult period that must come where you struggle to find what road you have been led to at this juncture. Should we do this....or maybe that? Questions permeate the day to day. I find myself longing for permanence. Something unchanging. Security.
I believe that the Lord takes us to, and ultimately through these times to remind us that this life is not permanent. We are simply camping here. Perhaps getting too comfortable is just not producing the fruit we need in our life. I do not understand, however, why my faith becomes shaky and pallid. Will there come a time when my faith will stand strong in the face of the tempest? When I will not begin to sink as Peter did, but will walk confidently upon the waves. When I will know that my Lord's proximity is surety of my deliverance.
What is clear is that the Lord has chosen to give breath to me at this moment in time. He intends that I continue breathing. Frequently I find myself breathing too fast, requiring a conscious slow down. In this crazy and often times chaotic life, breathing requires thought and effort. My children surround me, breathing the the same air I am. They too struggle, but I must show them how to breathe.
We will continue to learn and grow together, as long as the Lord continues to supply the breath to breathe. And in that breathing, may we remember to praise the One who has supplied.
"Let everything that hath breath praise the LORD. Praise ye the LORD." Psalm 150:6